6236 E. Pima, Suite 170, Tucson, Arizona, 85712

Ways for Commercial Management Companies to follow Green Practices

Residents love commercial property management companies that follow green practices.
Not only do green practices appeal to a large tenant base, but it is a huge cost and time saving opportunity for property managers.

Track current energy use
Collect information on how much energy your building is using and how much it costs. This will help prioritize areas that need immediate attention. It is crucial to pursue energy conservation with a plan

Check for air leaks
When there are cracks via doors and windows, buildings need more energy for heating and cooling. Cover or plug air leaks to save energy.

Energy-efficient lighting
Installing high efficiency lighting is an easy, cost-effective way to save energy.
According to the Department of Energy, switching out incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lights can cut lighting costs.

Waste Reduction & Recycling
Increase recycling – this will save energy and help keep materials out of landfills and incinerators.

Green Property Cleaning Methods
Hire a janitorial company that uses green practices to maintain the property/building clean.
This includes eco-friendly cleaning and disinfection. These companies use cleaning products that are safe for the environment and safer for the tenants. 

Green Landscaping
Ever heard of xeriscaping? This is the concept of landscaping that focuses on surviving drought. This includes plants like yellow pampas grass, succulents, etc.
If the property has a garden bed, consider a drip irrigation system. This will drastically save water. Another suggestion would be to use synthetic grass. It resembles your lawn grass without requiring much maintenance.

At Whirlygig properties we are committed to following the most sustainable commercial property management practices. Through years of experience in commercial real estate development, we can focus on what’s most important for a property. Feel secure knowing you have business partners with a long-standing, trustworthy track record.

Contact us today

November 5, 2019